Songs in Service - Amplifying powerful stories and collective healing through music

All In One - Moving Beyond Tolerance
Considering the many disturbing acts of violence and anger in the world as of late, I decided it is a most important time to explore the concept of peace in more depth. Almost immediately, I realized that the perfect person to interview on this topic would be Dr. Arun Gandhi himself, who had made it his life’s mission to carry on the peace work and messages of his grandfather, Mahatma Gandhi.

At the Core - “When the hate comes, let there be love”
We are at a point in our human evolution where we have the awareness to tune to the deeper resonance of our shared human experience and, with empathy and compassion, choose to love, grow, and accept others in response to hate.

Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. - ending the practice of FGM
I was honored to meet an incredible woman named Angela Peabody, who runs the Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation out of Washington D.C., and has made it her mission to face FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) head on. Sadly, there are currently at least 125 Million women and young girls living in the world, and over 500,000 in the United States alone, who’s rights to their own bodies and sexuality have been stolen from them, violently, by those who they are supposed to trust the most…their own families. I knew I had to write a song about this important issue and help spread awareness.